The Veteran by Dudley G. Hale
I don’t mind if you call me the Veteran
I’m talking to you with all that disinformation
Some were specialists, some were volunteers
holding this country together for well over 200 years
I believe I know what has got you concerned
watch me on TV get fried and get burned
then that bubble-headed bleach bitch says
watch those veterans, guaranteed
they’ll gonna come home howling at the moon
and foaming at the teeth
But let me tell you just exactly where its at
call me the Veteran, lets’s that be that
Tomorrow morning you might come a’banging on my door
want to bum my .45 or want to borrow my .44
The Veteran by Dudley G. Hale is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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I will never forget Dudley, a one -of- a- kind, original guy. He will be missed..I don’t know anyone that could tell a story like him and remember all the words to his songs! I remember the night he went to the Pentecostal church and Sister Debbie started dancing and almost landed on Dudley’s lap, wish I had a video of that! I feel honored to have known Dudley for 37 years…I saw how you can focus on one thing, shut the world out and make music…..a true musician…thank you for the memories…….Echo